10 instagram profilov za joga inspiracijo

To je 10 instagram profilov, kjer lahko najdete inspiracijo za lastno vadbo ali pa si le spočijete oči ob čudovitih fotografijah.

Vse bolj piljubljena vadba joge je lahko izjemno zanimiva, saj nam pomaga umiriti misli, bolje spoznati sebe, hkrati pa ima izjemen učinek tudi na naše fizično telo, saj ne le, da z njo krepimo mišice in pridobivamo moč, pozitivno vpliva tudi na naše splošno zdravje. Določene asane oziroma jogijski položaji deluje na posamezne dele telesa in organe, ki jih čistimo ter krepimo. In so ker človeško telo ne pozna meja, lahko na spletu najdemo številne zanimive instagram prodile, ki so lahko inspiracija, da se tudi sami lotimo te čudovite vadbe, ki vam lahko spremeni življenje, ali pa vam služijo le zato, da si nekoliko spočijete oči.

I have had moments when I felt like I could do no wrong, when I felt so much in the flow that it seemed like everything thought and action were blessed. But then the bubble burst. I woke up to the harsh reality that even though it felt perfect it really wasn't. I was covered by the invincibility of naïveté. I was ignorant to people's intentions and allowed myself to be used. I contributed to the hurt and followed my bliss straight over someone else. I lost some friends, or I should say that I found out who my real friends are. I learned some hard lessons, some that I'm still recovering from. _ My heart was broken. I cried and sighed a lot. I woke up one day and saw the cost of everything, all the good and all the bad and how hard we all work and I was overwhelmed. I woke up to the pain, not only my own, but all the pain and suffering of everyone. It nearly broke me. I remember thinking nearly every day that my life was stuck on some repetitive cycle like a broken record, that there was a glitch in the matrix of my mind that just kept on repeating. I remember being desperate to get out. But the more I fought it, the worse it got. The harder I ran the closer all my pain seemed to be. I had nowhere left to turn. _ There, nearly drowned in a sea of my own suffering, with nothing left to lose, I woke up to true light. But first I had to close the door to the darkness. I had to choose the light. Then, a beacon on the path ahead of me called out and gently led me out of the abyss and with loving hands rebuilt every fiber of my being. _ The miraculous act of love is forgiveness and healing so that the pain is gone. The whole journey of yoga is about that and maybe nothing more. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime _ Photo by @ifilmyoga Practice with me on @omstarsofficial Read my new book! Link in bio

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For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. | Psalm 91:1 | by @sdj

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