Vsakdan mame: Kakšno je resnično življenje z otroci

Zabavne fotografije, ki prikazujejo življenje staršev.

Ko postaneš starš, naj bi bilo nekako takole: če se ne smeješ, jokaš, kajne? Verjamemo, da je joka manj in ker polne doze smeha ni nikoli preveč, si oglejte fotografije mamice Maye. Ob njih se boste nedvomno nasmejali. Z dvema otročkoma ji ni nikoli dolgčas, v materinstvu pa kar sama poskrbi za izredno zabavne trenutke.

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Outtake from the other day. This picture is too beautiful not to post, stretch marks and all 🤘🏼

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How can that fit through that??!? Asking for a friend… 😫#40weekspregnant

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How can someone so little teach us so much about life? From the moment we first see them, we are completely changed. We want to be better. We want to improve ourselves. We want keep learning. There is no such thing as a perfect parent, and I am glad there isn’t. We have been specifically tailored for the needs of our children, biological or adopted, and were meant to love them and give them our absolute best: that is all it takes to be a good parent. My husband and I have finished our New Year’s resolution and this time we only have a few. One of them is to better ourselves as individuals so that we can be attentive to our little girls’ needs. We are starting to journal: the good days, the bad days, the victories and the struggles. We will create new possibilities in this new year using the @dailygreatness incredibly detailed, thought out parent journal. 💛 use code Maya10 for 10% off!!! #sponsored link in bio! #scenefromtheceiling

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This is what we have to teach our girls: that they are STRONG. They’re strong to succeed in their careers, to have healthy relationships, to fight for their ideals, but especially strong enough to love who they are. On the days that they feel invisible, not appreciated and alone, that they have enough strength within them and respect for who they are, resilience to start over and a self love that can’t be taken away. Teach them to support other women and be compassionate to them. Teach them to not judge, but to open their hearts and love on a fellow woman who is struggling. Lead by example. Today is a big deal, but so is everyday. I want to tell that you are special. The hard work, dedication and love you put into your family is not taken for granted. If today you feel invisible, know that you are seen. You are appreciated. ❤️👯‍♀️💃🏻 #internationalwomensday #womensupportingwomen #raisegoodhumans

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I’ve had one of the worst weeks of my life: both kids with worst case scenario HFM, double ear infection, Husband rushed to the ER for other reasons, bad news after bad news coming from everywhere. I wanted to punch a wall to let out all my anger and frustration at seeing my babies burning up, simultaneously sobbing in pain, breaking out in blood blisters, and my husband so debilitated. When Tim went to the ER, Jesus was strong through my weakness. I DIDNT HAVE A SINGLE PANIC ATTACK. I didn’t catch the viruses. I was still strong. I have been able to nurture, love and care for my family on almost no sleep. This is me right now: no make up, kids still in pjs, Tim still recovering, but it is the first day that my kids woke up with a smile on their faces in a whole week. I couldn’t not register this moment. Now the only thing I am afraid of is opening my washer with 5 day old wet laundry 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 #IHopeThereIsNoMold #IfThereIsIllJustGoShoppingBecauseIDeserveToTreatMyself #IHaveSeenTrollsOver20TimesThisWeek

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I had an unrealistic idea of marriage engraved in my head, that was basically what I had seen in fairytales. When reality, bills, exhaustion, lack of time, kids and responsibilities hit us, we were shaken up. We didn’t know how to communicate our frustrations and needs, and I thought we weren’t going to make it. But we did. We broke down in front of each other and talked for hours. Hours. And Hours. We learned to forgive each other several times a day everyday. We learned to be vocal about our struggles and we let go of that damn resentment that ruins everything. All of that brought us closer and matured our love. 2 weddings, 2 kids, 90 Netflix shows later, and we are finally on the very same page. Tim, Thank you for being gentle and respectful with me and the girls. Thank you for being patient and for making up with me 5 minutes after every fight. Thank you for unconditionally supporting my dreams and for taking my Instagram pictures, which is most likely the most stressful thing a man can go through. Thank you for learning how to make Brazilian food so I feel less homesick. Now please come home to clean up the mess you made in the kitchen last night. Seriously? 3 pots and 8 utensils? I ain’t cleaning that! Happy 5 year anniversary, meu amor. It will be a crazy night of pizza & sushi eating, and Jack Ryan watching. I love you and I choose you everyday. 💍👰🏻 . #IPaidForMyOwnWeddingDressOnANannySalarySoIllWearItWheneverIFeelLike #ThankYouForMyGreenCard #InsideJoke #IMarriedHimBecauseILoveHim #LookAtThoseBlueEyes

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